If you’re a prospective graduate student (not currently at UW), apply to UW to join the PLSE group. If you’re a UW undergrad interested in research, visit us in CSE2 253 (Bill & Melinda Gates Center). If you’re a new student, welcome! This page is for you.

Welcome to our group!

Start here for a guide on how to get started with PLSE. Have any questions? Get in touch with Audrey.

many PLSE students spend their time in PLSE lab in CSE2 253. It’s noisier than an office (bring headphones) but also more fun. There’s always someone around to ask for help, and it’s easy to keep up with what others are working on. Undergrads can get card key access to this room.
we have lunch together on Tuesdays. Most weeks we have catered lunch in CSE2 253. Other times we go out to lunch on the Ave.
we have an organization on GitHub for group projects. Most code is on GitHub because we open-source most of our projects; we use the department git servers for paper repositories and other things that we’ll never want to open-source. Please send Yihong your GitHub user name so they can add you to the organization. That way you can access our projects.
Reading groups and group meetings
there is a separate page with more details.
The first Monday of every month, the lab goes to Big Time Brewery. Everyone is welcome to join.

If you have any questions, stop by the lab or talk to your advisor.